Carnegie Deli? Stage deli? Famous 4th? All good, but nothing compares to one of my all-time favorites, Harold’s. Located right off exit 10 of the NJ turnpike, this is the place to go for the ultimate corned beef and pastrami combo sandwich. Portions are enormous, so be prepared to share or bring it home. It’s only 1 hour, 15 minutes from downtown Broomall and is well worth the drive (especially if you go 80 mph, but stay behind the tractor trailers). Potato pancakes are the size of a pizza, matzoh balls resemble softballs on steroids, but the highlights are definitely the meats.
Don’t miss the pickle bar with tons of rye bread, assorted pickles and their health salad. go 80 mph, but stay behind the tractor trailers). Potato pancakes are the size of a pizza, matzoh balls resemble softballs on steroids, but the highlights are definitely the meats.